
Sub-Saharan Africa

As a youth-led organisation, JVS will work mainly with young people between 15 and 35 years old through their SAAF-funded work.

They aim to improve young people’s knowledge of the newly updated abortion law in Benin, as well as their ability to access reproductive health services. JVS will deliver community awareness raising sessions to discuss reproductive rights, as well as an online campaign to share information and promote access to safe abortion as a human right.

JVS will provide practical support to young people by supporting referrals to trusted providers. They will also set up the country’s first hotline dedicated to safe abortion information.

Visit the JVS Facebook page.


ONIDS is an organization composed of activists, mostly women, girls and teenagers. The organization is committed to the promotion and protection of the social and health rights of the most vulnerable and marginalized people and aims, through awareness raising, training and advocacy, to improve the well-being of marginalized people using a collaborative and human rights-based approach.

The liberalisation of some aspects of the abortion law in Burkina Faso in 2018 remains unknown by the general population but also by many working in the fields of health, education, and the law. ONIDS' SAAF funded work focuses on sharing information about the conditions of access to abortion and to direct women seeking care towards safe providers.

Visit the Organisation pour de Nouvelles Initiatives en Développement et Santé (ONIDS) website.


In Burundi, unsafe abortion is one of the leading causes of death and disability among women and girls. Post-abortion care services, when available, are almost exclusively clustered in the Burundian capital and other major urban centers. The further away from these urban centers, the lower the number of skilled  providers. 

SOS FED tackles this challenge by working with six health facilities across Burundi to enable the provision of quality post-abortion care and contraceptive services. SOS FED also tackles the phenomenon of abortion stigma and its consequences through the dissemination of accurate information and promotion of positive attitudes.

Visit the SOS FED website



anonymous organisation

This organisation will work in three conflict-ridden divisions of Cameroon – two in the South-West and one in the North-West of the country. They will work to improve information about and access to safe reproductive health care, particularly for those who have experienced gender-based violence, internally displaced persons, widows and sex workers. They will build the capacity of community healthcare providers, health workers and local drug store owners who will undergo value clarification and attitude transformation (VCAT) training on reproductive rights and safe abortion.

Though abortion is legally available under certain circumstances in Cameroon, this is not common knowledge, and women and girls are often refused services. Following years of conflict in Cameroon, many people have been displaced, and those in conflict-affected regions are particularly underserved when it comes to being able to access safe abortion information and services.

CYJULERC will advocate for the application of the abortion law to ensure conflict-affected rape and incest survivors have access to safe legal abortion care in health facilities. This includes lobbying for shorter trial times for court cases relating to abortion, so that those who are legally entitled to seek safe abortion care can access it as early as possible.

CYJULERC will also partner with health providers to improve referral networks and increase the quality of services through staff training and provision of medical equipment and supplies.

Visit the CYJULERC website.


In Cameroon, complications resulting from unsafe abortions are the third leading cause of maternal morbidity/mortality. Lack of access to adequate and appropriate SRH services, restrictive sexual health and rights compounded in rural areas by; discriminatory/oppressive cultural taboos, poverty and ignorance contribute in the high prevalence rate of unwanted pregnancies (roughly 40% of all pregnancies in the country are unintended, and 36% of these end in abortion).

Most rural women/girls tend to resort to clandestine/unsafe abortion methods that often end with complications and access to post-abortion care is limited. RuWCED works to increase access to post-abortion care and contraceptive services for rural women and girls in Ngoketunjia Division. They also contribute to changing community attitudes which stigmatise women seeking SRHR knowledge and services.

Visit the RuWCED website.


Youth feminist organisation SFC has found that young women and girls are particularly at risk from unsafe abortion in Congo. With SAAF funding they aim to increase young people’s knowledge of abortion options and their access to safe reproductive healthcare.

SFC will strengthen the existing Mama Leki hotline, which provides reliable information on safe, self-managed abortion. They will train counsellors as well as work on digital and in-person outreach to provide information on safe abortion and referral to the hotline. SFC will also build the capacity of pharmacists and midwives to reduce the stigma girls and women face when seeking abortion and ensure they provide abortion services in accordance with WHO guidelines.

Visit the SFC website.


IJEFA will work in partnership with two other youth organisations in DRC to focus on improving young people’s knowledge of safe abortion options, and access to high quality reproductive health care.

Young women are particularly at risk from accessing unsafe abortions due to stigma, and lack of reliable information on their sexual and reproductive health. IJEFA will therefore use SAAF funding to strengthen and expand the ‘Tantine Marthe’ helpline. The helpline was set up in 2019 and requires new software and training of staff to improve its reach. IJEFA will carry out a campaign to promote the helpline in targeted rural areas where there are no authorised clinics or referral pharmacies.

Alongside this, the organisations involved will work to strengthen the knowledge and engagement of the youth movement in the DRC, and carry out sensitization sessions with community members to improve awareness of safe abortion.

Visit the IJEFA website.


SOSFEC works in South Kivu, an area of the DRC which has been affected by conflict for many years, and where women and girls are at high risk of sexual exploitation. Noting that women were dying from unsafe abortion procedures, SOSFEC first applied for SAAF funding back in 2014. Over the past eight years, through their training and engagements, they have seen a decrease in deaths from unsafe abortion.  

SOSFEC carries out a range of community based activities to prevent unsafe abortions and improve information and access to safe reproductive healthcare. 


Despite a relatively liberal abortion law and flexible policy environment, myriad unsafe abortions still occur in Ghana outside the formal health system. This is due to ignorance of the abortion law (including among healthcare providers), limited availability of legal, safe abortion services in accredited health facilities, and social stigma.  

With funding from SAAF, MABIA-Ghana works to minimize needless deaths and disability from unsafe abortion, and to uphold women’s right to safe, legal abortion in the North-East region of Ghana. They provide clinical training to increase the number and competency of midwives able to provide comprehensive abortion care and long-term contraceptives. The 15 clinical sites they work with also provide reproductive health services to women and girls in underserved areas.  

Visit the MABIA-Ghana website.


TWIN will work to create a national network for the promotion of safe abortion in Guinea. Noting a lack of community activism and strong national advocacy on the right to safe abortion, TWIN will work with community-based women’s and youth groups to build their capacity on safe abortion, including self-managed abortion. They will carry out community dialogues and educational talks to increase the number of advocates involved in this national movement.

Once community organisations have been mapped and engaged, TWIN will work with them to develop  statutory and legal documents for the network and organise a national workshop to bring together members and obtain government approval. Overall, they hope to see improved communication on the right to safe abortion and better knowledge of safe abortion options being shared amongst communities.

Visit the TWIN website.


3W is an organisation based in Kisumu which focuses on the health and rights of lesbian, bisexual and queer women.

Noting that often LGBT+ people are excluded from discussions on reproductive health, including safe abortion, 3W will work to increase awareness and understanding in Kisumu County, Kenya.

They will hold awareness raising sessions and share tailored materials on safe abortion access with lesbian, bisexual and queer women, and transgender men. They will also work with health care providers to raise awareness of the need for non-discriminatory care for people of all genders and sexual orientations.

Visit the 3W website.

KELIN was originally established to protect and promote HIV-related human rights; however, their scope has since expanded to include all sexual and reproductive health and rights in relation to key affected populations through targeted litigation and advocacy.

With SAAF funding KELIN use their litigation and advocacy skills to improve the legal environment through the enactment of a model Reproductive Health law in Nakuru County. They also plan to develop a legal precedent on the unconstitutionality of retrogressive county laws through strategic litigation and expand their litigation fund to provide legal support to health providers and clients targeted for abortion related offenses.

Visit the Kenya Legal & Ethical Issues on HIV and AIDS (KELIN) website.

In Kenya, a lack of accurate and reliable information on the availability of safe medical abortion results in a substantial number of women seeking unsafe abortion services. Within rural areas, challenges go beyond just lack of information, to inaccessibility of the medications needed. K-PEN will work in rural areas in Migori to improve knowledge of and access to safe abortion, with specialised support for young women.

They will train youth peer providers, community health volunteers, pharmacists and nurses on medical abortion and ensure clinics have access to the equipment needed to manage post-abortion care. Alongside school health campaigns and community meetings to share information on sexual and reproductive health, they will refer to two existing safe abortion hotlines to ensure practical support is available.

Visit the K-PEN Facebook page.


This consortium of organisations working towards improved reproductive and maternal health will focus on improving policy and implementation of safe abortion in Kenya.

The Constitution of Kenya allows for abortion in some circumstances, however, there are no formal clinical guidelines for the provision of safe abortion in cases where it is legal. Comprehensive abortion care standards and guidelines were developed and submitted for approval in 2012. However, the Ministry of Health withdrew them with no explanation and banned the training of medical providers on safe abortion services. Without clinical guidelines most providers believe that abortion is illegal and they are afraid to abortion care services.

RMHC-K will work with partners to reinstate the guidelines in Kenya and resist the criminalisation (and fear of criminalisation) of those who seek abortion services and those who provide them. As there are currently also no existing guidelines in Kenya for the management of self-care health interventions in sexual and reproductive health (including safe abortion), they will support the development and approval of the SRHR selfcare guidelines in line with WHO practices and recommendations.

Visit the RMHC-K website.


TICAH envisions a safe and just world where rights are realised, the beauty of culture and diversity are celebrated and holistic health is attained. Their SAAF funded work aims to make reproductive choice and safe abortion understood and accessible to a wider range of Kenyan women and girls especially young, underserved and vulnerable women.

Working with women and girls in Nairobi, Central and Coastal regions, TICAH aims to improve their knowledge, agency and ability to make choices on contraception and safe abortion. SAAF funding is also used to strengthen the Aunty Jane hotline that people call from across Kenya to get information on sexual and reproductive health issues.

Visit the Trust for Indigenous Culture and Health (TICAH) website.


Women Spaces Africa is a feminist disability-led grassroots organisation which focuses on reproductive health and rights for women with disabilities.

Their SAAF funded work will address the specific barriers to non-judgemental abortion care faced by girls and women with disabilities (including lesbian, bisexual and queer women with disabilities). WSA will identify and train abortion doulas from women-led disability organisations to provide tailored information and support referrals to friendly providers.

They will also create resources such as a video on safe abortion protocols in Kenyan sign language to ensure that Deaf people can be better informed on self-managed abortion methods.

Visit the Women Spaces Africa website.


Lawmakers in Liberia have been considering a bill to expand legal access to abortion. If passed, the bill would cement Liberia's position as one of the most liberal countries in West Africa on reproductive rights.

CHI will advocate to ensure this bill is passed and implemented. Firstly, by organising regular meetings with other community-based organisations through a national SRHR network. They will carry out collective advocacy actions to influence decision makers and duty bearers into supporting the passing of the revised public health law.

CHI will also conduct weekly community outreach sessions in communities with a mobile clinic offering contraceptive services as well as referrals to abortion care. They will train community health workers to ensure a greater number of health facilities are equipped to provide safe abortion care.

Visit the Community Healthcare Initiative website.

The Centre for Solutions Journalism (CSJ News) based in Blantyre, Malawi is an NGO founded by media specialists that focuses on professional dissemination of news and best practices that offer solutions to social, economic and development challenges facings Malawians.

With SAAF support, CSJ News is focused on advocating for the enactment of the Termination of Pregnancy Bill in Malawi which would legalise abortion under a number of circumstances. The project builds the capacity of women's groups to advocate for abortion law reform as well as lobbying MPs directly to get their support. The key activities of the project will be lobbying (engagement with lawmakers), capacity building (training of rural women advocates) and production and broadcasting of an abortion law reform radio programme and jingles.

Visit the Centre for Solutions Journalism (CSJ News) website.
ICRH-M was founded in 2009 with the mission to improve sexual and reproductive health in Mozambique.

Although the abortion law in Mozambique was liberalised in 2014, after so many years of a restrictive law being in place, knowledge about safe legal services remains low, and there are gaps in provision coverage and quality. ICRH-M's SAAF funded work focuses on two districts of Tete province in Central Mozambique, which has high levels of adolescent pregnancy and early marriage. The organisation will implement complementary interventions to reduce institutional and social barriers to safe abortion, and use this experience to contribute to learning on how to improve the effective implementation of safe abortion in ways that are accepted by health providers and communities. The project trains abortion providers and staff at district referral health centres, and introduces robust monitoring systems for quality services. ICRH-M also works with local communities (including training up female sex workers, and adolescents as activists) to ensure information about safe abortion services is available.

Visit the Centro Internacional para Saúde Reprodutiva (ICRH-M) website.


Generation For Environ­mental Education and Enhanced Renewal (GREENER)

GREENER is a women-led community based organisation which aims to promote access to sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), sustainable environment, and social justice for women and girls in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria with a particular focus on vulnerable, economically marginalized and socially disadvantaged women and girls in remote rural riverine communities.

GREENER’s SAAF funded work is focused on reducing harm faced by women living in these remote communities, where the lack of quality and accessible healthcare combined with deep rooted stigma means that many women are forced to resort to unsafe methods to end pregnancies. Staff from pharmacies and health clinics are trained on non-judgemental pregnancy counselling, administration of medication for safe abortion care, and post abortion care including contraception. Women and girls in the community are also trained as ‘change agents’ to raise awareness about reproductive rights, break down myths and misinformation, and where appropriate, refer their peers to services. They also share information about GREENER’s free transport service to access contraceptive services from public health facilities in the larger cities.

With previous support from SAAF in 2014 GIWYN set up the Ms Rosy hotline which provides free, reliable, and non-judgmental reproductive health and rights information.

GIWYN’s current SAAF funded work will strengthen the hotline and expand its reach by training not only more counsellors, but also organisations who are part of the The National Coalition for Reproductive Justice. This bolsters referral networks for the hotline, as well as increasing sources of reliable information on safe abortion.

GIWYN will also provide specialised outreach on self-managed abortion to those living in slum areas and rural communities.

Visit the GIYWN website.



Inter­national Centre for Poverty Alleviation and Sustainable Development (CENPAD)

Women and girls living in the Internally Displaced Peoples Camps in North-East Nigeria are at great risk of rape and sexual assault and many are forced to trade sex for material gains, or food. Due to lack of access to either contraception or safe abortion, this leads to disproportionally high rates of unsafe abortion and consequent injury and death.

Using SAAF funding, CENPAD aims at reducing this by using a harm reduction approach to ensure that women and girls have improved knowledge and access information on menstrual regulation through medication, alongside increased access and uptake of post-abortion contraception. Thereby ensuring that the women and girls whose rights have already been violated are not further violated by forced pregnancy, death or disability.
In Nigeria, 13% of maternal deaths are attributable to unsafe abortions and an estimated 1 in 12 women have undergone an unsafe abortion. Having received SAAF funding to support their work since 2014, WFI has adopted an innovative public-private facility cluster model which built the capacity of midwives from government-funded midwifery service scheme for post-abortion care as part of comprehensive sexual health services. Male advocates and local media troupes were trained and communities were mobilized to reduce barriers to service access.

WFI is now building the capacity of a new cohort of providers and training youth peer provider to mobilize youth across the Federal Capital Territory. This will expand and sustain access to post-abortion care, safe abortion and post-procedure contraception to reduce maternal mortality and morbidity resulting from unwanted pregnancy, unsafe abortion and its complications.

Visit the Women Friendly Initiative (WFI) website.


Women Rise for Change (WRC)

In 2018, Rwanda amended its abortion law to allow legal abortion under certain circumstances including pregnancies resulting from rape, incest, child and forced marriage, and where the pregnant person’s health is at risk. Despite this liberalisation of the law, many girls and women still do not have access to safe abortion care. WRC has found that those living in refugee camps are particularly underserved and thus at risk of seeking unsafe abortions and being subjected to forced pregnancies.

WRC will work in the Mahama camp, which accommodates over 50,000 people. Using SAAF funding they want to ensure that safe legal abortion services are integrated into the sexual and reproductive health services being provided in the camp. They will advocate for delivery of safe abortion information and services, and train nurses and midwives working in the camp on the provision of medical and surgical abortion.

In order to ensure those living in the camp are aware of their rights and are better able to access safe reproductive health care, WRC will carry out values clarification sessions alongside trusted partners such as peer educators, community health workers and local leaders.


First funded by SAAF in 2018, ASPF will continue their important work increasing the availability of safe abortion services in São Tomé and Príncipe.

This includes the provision of reproductive health care services through their own clinics, as well as training more health care providers to deliver high quality abortion care. This will include best practices on newer methods of abortion care in the country, such as telemedicine.

ASPF will also train young peer educators to share information about the availability of safe abortion care, and provide education sessions in schools and the community.

Visit the ASPF Facebook page.


Telemedical abortion is now available in South Africa. The requirement for patients to visit a health facility in person to obtain abortion pills was lifted during COVID lockdowns. With technical support from Women on Web ASSA will pilot a low-cost telemedical abortion service in South Africa.

A recent randomised control trial, conducted in Cape Town, showed that telemedical abortion is safe, effective and satisfactory for the South African women who use it. The coalition will pilot an abortion option for those who will particularly benefit from not having to travel and/or having a lower cost option available. For example, those living far from a clinic, young people, economically marginalised people, migrants and refugees, those living with a disability and women who prefer an at-home abortion.

The coalition will work to further research on the acceptability and accessibility of telemedical abortion in this context and advocate for more integration of alternative methods of abortion care into the public healthcare system.

Visit the Abortion Support South Africa website.


AWAC is an umbrella network for grassroots female sex worker-led organisations in Uganda.

AWAC will work with sex workers in Uganda to increase awareness of safe abortion options and to reduce abortion stigma in the community. They will hold public events on bodily autonomy and the need to decriminalise abortion, including a national march and press conference for International Women’s Day.

They will also train health care workers to be non-judgemental in the provision of abortion services to sex workers and will form referral partnerships with friendly health facilities which perform abortion and post-abortion care. AWAC will work directly with female sex workers to ensure they understand their rights, the risks of unsafe abortion, and have information on safe abortion medication and self-care.

Visit the AWAC website.

The Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Uganda (AOGU) is professional organization founded in 1985 with the mandate to promote professionalism, undertake research, represent its members at local, regional, international level, as well as champion Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights of the people in the region.

Unsafe abortions contribute approximately a third of all maternal deaths in Uganda. AOGU's work aims to use the harm reduction model to reduce abortion related morbidity and mortality among young women by preventing unwanted pregnancies through improved access to post abortion care, post-abortion counselling and uptake of contraception.

Visit the Association of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Uganda (AOGU) website.


St. Augustine Community Health Centre

St. Augustine Community Health Centre (SACH) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to building healthier and prosperous communities in Western Uganda. The centre uses primary health care approach to meet high demand for basic health services. This is done using an integrated model to deliver holistic health care services and build capacity of communities to empower them to meet their health needs through community mobilization and sensitization on health issues, training and support to village health workers and other community leaders and linking communities to external supporters.

With SAAF funding, they work to improve knowledge about abortion issues, increase access to abortion-related care and improve attitudes and beliefs of community members towards abortion in the Mbarara District.
COHERINET was founded as a network of activists aiming to increase information on the safe use of medical abortion in Uganda.

Using SAAF funding, COHERINET works to empower women by increasing their knowledge about safe abortion with pills by maintaining the Aunt Kaki sexual health hotline. It also implements community level strategies to advance the roles of lay health workers and promote the hotline widely among particularly vulnerable groups. The project improves the operating environment for safe medical abortion service providers by sensitizing Ministry of Health officials, law enforcement officers and human rights organisations on sexual reproductive health rights.

Visit the The Community Health Rights Network (COHERINET) website.

With SAAF funding FMP will work with girls and women of reproductive age (including sex workers) living in fishing communities in the lakeshores and landing sites of Lake Victoria in Uganda.

FMP has found that safe abortion is near to impossible to access in these lakeshore communities, due to a limited number of trained service providers and high costs of services which lead sex workers to opt for cheaper, less safe options. FMP will partner with eight medical centres to provide values clarification and training and support on safe abortion options. They will also deploy Community Peer Mobilizers from the community to engage women and girls in small community discussions where they share non-technical information on reproductive health and respond to inquiries on abortion.

Those who need more technical information are referred to a ‘Musawo Session’ - a weekly community meeting between women, girls and medical workers (Musawo) within their community. These sessions provide an opportunity to debunk myths associated with abortion and provide scientific and practical information on abortion, costs, and selfcare.

Visit the FMP website.


FLAMA Uganda first started receiving SAAF funding in 2017. They work to provide and ensure access to high quality, non-judgmental and affordable healthcare services in Northern Uganda.

FLAMA will provide training and mentorship schemes for health care providers to improve access to reproductive health services. They will also develop a telemedicine system for provision of safe abortion care, with a particular focus on younger women, who are currently underserved and lacking access. FLAMA will deliver community outreach and targeted media campaigns to let girls and women know their rights and how to access safe reproductive health care and information.

Visit the FLAMA Uganda website.

Working in the marginalised slum areas of Kampala the community based initiative, Tusitukirewamu Group, works to improve the lives of young women involved in sex work and in and out of school youth living in densely populated urban slums. Gender inequality, poverty and sexual violence are endemic and many of these young women lack information on contraception and STI prevention, which causes unintended pregnancies and hence unsafe abortions.

Following on from succesful SAAF supported projects, Tusitukirewamu continues to work with peer educators and outreach workers in the community to increase awareness on the availability of high quality abortion and contraceptive services. They support local health facilities so that they are able to provide safe abortion and post-abortion care using modern techniques and promote women’s rights and health seeking behaviour through online and offline activities, as a way of soliciting for support to fight abortion stigma, unsafe abortions and GBV cases.

Visit the Tusitukirewamu Group website.


Volunteers for Development Association in Uganda (VODA Uganda)

Girls and women in rural Uganda face extreme gender inequality which is a cause and consequence of the high levels of sexual exploitation, incest and violence faced by many young girls and women. Young people have little access to sexual and reproductive health services and abortion is highly restricted.

VODA Uganda empower young people as change-makers in their schools and communities. Unsafe abortion was once a widespread problem in the area but through the power of peer education and by working with community leaders as well as youth, community attitudes toward abortion have been transformed. Deaths due to unsafe abortion have almost disappeared and community leaders and health providers are now calling for safe abortion to be made available for more young women in need.

You can read more about VODA's work on the SAAF stories page.


Although abortion is legal in Zimbabwe under a number of circumstances, lack of knowledge of the law by the public and providers alike, and social stigma surrounding abortion mean that most women in need seek unsafe illegal services.  

WAG seeks to raise awareness of the current legal status of abortion through engagement with different members of the Zimbabwean society using community dialogues. In addition to raising awareness, they also seek to bring together similar organizations to advocate for policy change to make legal abortion more accessible. WAG works from a reproductive justice perspective to ensure that women and girls are fully supported to make choices and are able to access abortion and post abortion care services if and when necessary. 

Visit the Women's Action Group website.




Institute for Young Women Development (IYWD) and Health Law and Policy Consortium (HLPC) will work together to improve understanding of and support for abortion rights and post-abortion care, and to influence policy and legislative reforms to promote safe abortion in Zimbabwe.

They will focus on improving young women’s knowledge of safe abortion and their capacity to demand reproductive rights by creating a National Feminist Movement Builder's School on abortion rights. This will raise consciousness on how lack of safe access to abortion is part of the broader systematic and structural violence used to regulate women’s rights and bodies.

Young women who have been trained will work together with Members of Parliament who have been identified as champions of access for safe abortion to promote access to safe abortion within the existing legal framework and advocate for the reform of the law. 

Visit the IYWD and HLPC websites.
