North Africa and the Middle East
NFDO was first funded by SAAF in 2017 and worked to improve access to safe abortions for rape survivors in Shariya camps, where they obtained special permission from the Directorate of Health to carry out safe abortion services.
They are now seeking to advocate for a more progressive law in Iraq, where abortion is only legally permitted to save a pregnant person’s life. They will focus on the Kurdistan region of Iraq, noting that the parliament there has already adopted some progressive changes on women’s rights. NFDO will build a coalition of feminist organisations to work towards a shared advocacy goal of improving the legal circumstances in which abortions can be performed.
This will be the first campaign of its kind in Iraq, and NFDO will also deliver a media campaign across radio, press, TV and awareness raising sessions that seeks to make abortion a topic which can be discussed, rather than ignored, stigmatised or criminalised.
Visit the NFDO website.

anonymous organisation
In Lebanon abortion is only legally permitted to save the life of the pregnant person. Those who are able to access safe abortion services tend to have access to funds and relevant networks, meaning that women from lower socioeconomic backgrounds are particularly vulnerable to unsafe abortions and forced pregnancies. This SAAF funded project aims to make information about sexual and reproductive health and rights accessible to those who face the most barriers.

The Moroccan penal code criminalizes abortion, except when the pregnancy constitutes a danger to the life of the woman, in which case the authorization of her husband is required.
ADFM is a founding member of the ‘Spring of Dignity’ coalition, formed in 2010 by women's and human rights organisations. Through this coalition, ADFM and its partners will conduct an advocacy campaign to advocate for the reform of the penal code. They will continue work which is currently underway, to expand access to safe abortion and remove criminal sanctions for those who have abortions and the professionals who perform them.
As part of the coalition, advocacy actions will be developed by ADFM and its partners for a comprehensive reform of the penal code, particularly the articles related to abortion, to bring them in line with international standards as defined by the WHO.
Visit the ADFM website.