
Palestinian Family Planning and Protection Association

Former Executive Director of PFPPA, Amina Stavridis
Women and girls in Palestine face a number of difficulties and challenges. The ongoing occupation and lack of sitting government as well as high unemployment has led to poverty and inequality, while an increasingly conservative society and traditionally patriarchal culture has led to increased gender-inequality and lack of access to sexual and reproductive healthcare. The current abortion law unfairly pushes women to risk their lives and health to attempt to end their unwanted pregnancies in unsafe ways.

In this context, PFPPA has been working since 1964, to provide sexual and reproductive healthcare and advocate for women’s rights. Having received two grants from SAAF since 2014, they have been working on the lack of access to safe abortion in the country with a focus on increasing their provision of abortion-related services and advocating at community and national level for changes to the abortion law.

You can read the stories of the women affected by the currently restrictive law and the activists and service providers who work hard to provide care to them below.