New research on attitudes to abortion in Brazil

Graphic of two women sitting close and talking Brazil

SAAF grantee partner Instituto Patrícia Galvão (IPG) has carried out research into public understanding and attitudes surrounding sexual violence and reproductive rights in Brazil.

IPG interviewed 2000 people between January and February 2022 and found that the majority were in support of access to abortion for those who require it following pregnancy as a result of rape.

The majority of people interviewed (64%) know someone who has been raped.
87% believe that if a person has been raped and wants to access a safe abortion it should be their choice.
And three out of four women interviewed said if they became pregnant from rape they would want the option to terminate the pregnancy.

These data show that the majority of Brazilian society agrees with the right to abortion in the event of rape, would like the cases of abortion provided for by law to be maintained or expanded and considers that the discussion about abortion is a matter of public health and rights – and not police or religion. 

Jacira Melo, Executive Director of Instituto Patrícia Galvão.

You can read more about the research here (Portuguese).