In June, SAAF grantee partner CLACAI (Latin American Consortium Against Unsafe Abortion) held the “Persisting in Change: Abortion is our Right” conference in Panama. Over 400 experts and activists were gathered for the meeting, and SAAF was able to support representatives from 17 grantee partner organisations to attend.
“One thing that unites us in Latin America is that we believe that abortion should be a right – a right to health, a human right, a recognised right. I think this also helps us to reflect on how each country can explore its own regulations and be able to incorporate this notion into their logic and thinking.”
Susana Chávez, Executive Secretary of CLACAI
How SAAF aims to provide flexible and fair funding

As a global funder of abortion access and advocacy work around the world, it is important that SAAF addresses the inherent power dynamics within our work. Our Deputy Director André Deponti has written about the measures SAAF has put in place to better serve the organisations we fund. You can find the post in English, French and Spanish on our website.
We are now on LinkedIn!
We’re excited to announce that SAAF now has a presence on LinkedIn where we are already sharing updates from the Fund, as well as news from our grantee partners around the world.
Follow and connect, and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram too!
SAAF grantee partners in the news
- The Aunty Jane hotline provides information and support to those seeking reproductive health care in Kenya. Run by SAAF grantee partner TICAH, Aunty Jane provides “life-saving information” to people from a range of backgrounds.
- Brian Ligomeka from SAAF grantee partner CSJ News has written about the barriers facing those seeking safe abortion care in Malawi, as the government continues to stall on approving a new Termination of Pregnancy bill.
- In South Africa, SAAF grantee partner Abortion Support South Africa interviewed pharmacists across the country only to find that 40% were refusing to provide abortion medication according to the law.
- EL PAÍS and efeminista covered CLACAI‘s regional conference on abortion rights, as well as the accompanying report ‘Laws and Shadows: Regulation of abortion in Latin America‘.
SAAF grantee partner spotlight: 3W

Women Working With Women (3W) started receiving SAAF funding in October 2022. They are working to improve abortion knowledge and access for lesbian, bisexual, queer and trans people in Kisumu County, Kenya.
3W has found that despite being at risk of unplanned pregnancies, the LBQT community does not always have accurate information about contraception and pregnancy options including safe abortion. They often face stigma and discrimination from healthcare providers and may not be aware of their rights. 3W is raising awareness among the LBQT community, but also healthcare providers and other partners to ensure that the right to safe abortion care is available to all.
This update is a copy of the most recent SAAF newsletter. If you are not already on our newsletter mailing list please register here.